Can I Drink Coffee With My Invisalign Trays In?

If you are dealing with crooked or misaligned teeth, wearing the traditional metal braces might not be the only way you can get that straight, picture-perfect smile you want. Invisalign is a type of clear aligner that provides a more subtle way to align your grin.

The clear plastic trays go over your teeth and slowly pull them into their most optimal position. Your orthodontist will decide on the best treatment plan for you and let you know exactly when and how long to wear these aligners, but it’s usually around 22 hours a day.

You should take out the aligners before you eat, and then clean your mouth before putting them back in. But what about drinks, like coffee?

Here’s What to Do If You’re a Coffee Drinker While on Invisalign

You should only leave your Invisalign in when you are drinking plain water. For coffee, tea, sodas, and other beverages, it’s best to take them out before you drink them.

And here are 3 reasons why:

  • Preventing Tooth Decay - If you take your coffee with sugar, or drink sugary beverages, this liquid can stay inside the tray, and in direct contact with your teeth. As a result, the risk of tooth decay is greatly increased;
  • Preventing Stains - Black coffee or tea are known to stain the teeth, and the risk is much higher if your retainers keep the teeth in contact with these liquids for extended hours;
  • Heat Doesn’t Interact Well with the Aligners - Invisalign aligners are heated and molded to suit your jaw, but adding extra heat to them, like when you’re drinking coffee, can sometimes make the aligners pliable and change their shape, which will impact your treatment.

The best thing you can do to protect your teeth and your aligners is to take them out before enjoying a cup of coffee or another beverage. Then, gently cleanse the mouth and place the aligners back in to continue your treatment.

What If You Can’t Take Out Your Aligners?

Sometimes, taking your aligners is not really an option, like when you’re at work. In these cases, you can follow these tips to still enjoy your cup of joe without it affecting your treatment:

  • Don’t drink hot coffee. Let it cool to at least room temperature;
  • Drink it fast. If you usually take 30 or more minutes to enjoy your cup, cut down this time to just 10 minutes;
  • Clean your mouth and the aligners as soon as you can.

Interested in Invisalign? JAX Dental Studio Can Help

There are many ways to enhance the appearance of your smile and straighten your teeth, and Invisalign is just one of them. JAX Dental Studio can help you get the smile of your dreams with the treatment plan that suits you best.

Book a consultation with Dr. Charles Poblenz now to find out if Invisalign is right for you.