How Long Do Root Canals Last?

A root canal might be your best way to avoid permanent tooth loss. The treatment is used to restore a tooth dealing with a large cavity or infection and involves removing all the impacted tissue.

If you’re about to get a root canal at JAX Dental Studios or have gotten one recently, you might be wondering how long the treated tooth will last.

Well, it’s difficult to get a definitive answer since it can depend on various factors. On average, a tooth may last anywhere between 10 and 15 years after getting a root canal.

But is there anything you can do to increase its lifespan? What determines how long a tooth can last after a root canal in Jacksonville? Keep reading to find out the answers!

Do Root Canals Weaken Teeth?

There is a misconception among many that a tooth is left weaker after a root canal, but this is not the case.

After a root canal procedure, your tooth will be restored to its full function and appearance.

The procedure involves cleaning the tooth of all decayed tissue and bacteria. This includes removing part of the pulp and even nerves. After that, the dentist disinfects the tooth to ensure no more bacteria lingers.

Then, the tooth is reconstructed using a dental filling or a dental crown. Which of the two you get generally depends on how much of the tooth needs to be removed during the procedure. If the infection was mild, a simple filling is enough to restore it.

What Affects the Lifespan of a Tooth after a Root Canal?

Some factors that could determine how long a tooth lasts following root canal therapy include:

  • Dental crown presence: Dental crowns are stronger than fillings and can last for 15 years or longer. They can protect the natural tooth from bacteria and further damage;
  • Tooth location: Your back teeth need to withstand more pressure since you use them for chewing. This places them at higher risk for cracking or chipping after a root canal, unlike your front teeth;
  • Your age: Your teeth naturally weaken as you get older, so patient age is a major factor to consider here.

How Can You Protect a Tooth After a Root Canal?

In general, good oral hygiene and routine visits to the dentist are the best ways to maintain a tooth after root canal therapy. This helps keep your oral health in check and reduces the risk of cavities, gum disease, and more.

Patients should also be mindful about chewing hard foods or objects on their treated teeth, as this increases the risk of cracking.

Root Canals at JAX Dental Studios

Think you might be dealing with an infection and may need a root canal? Let Dr. Charles Poblenz help!

Request a visit to JAX Dental Studios online or call us at (904) 396-4091 for a short chat.