Is a Root Canal a Dental Emergency?

Are you in tremendous pain and are wondering if you should wait until regular office hours to see your dentist or is your root canal a dental emergency?

Here's the answer you were looking for.

What Is a Root Canal in The First Place?

A root canal is a dental procedure that treats the tooth nerves, tissues, and blood vessels that help the tooth grow. This is also called a pulp. When this pulp is damaged or infected, a root canal is needed to heal the tooth and prevent extraction.

During the Jacksonville root canal procedure, the infected pulp is removed to stop the infection and save the tooth.

What Causes Damage to the Pulp?

Several reasons can affect the pulp and require a root canal intervention:

  • Untreated cavities lead to a high level of tooth decay.
  • Various dental treatments on the same tooth.
  • A chipped or cracked tooth.
  • An incident that has affected the pulp.

Is a Root Canal an Emergency?

Yes, tooth infection falls on the spectrum of dental emergencies. If the infection is not treated on time, the chance of losing the entire tooth gets higher. Moreover, tooth infection causes pain, is very uncomfortable to experience, and it can even lead to other health complications.

The moment you experience the signs of a tooth infection, make a dentist appointment to get treated. If a root canal is needed, your Jacksonville emergency dentist will determine the extent of the infection and decide if you should treat it with antibiotics first before they can remove the decayed pulp and nerves.

Signs You May Need a Root Canal

General tooth discomfort is usually the first sign that you need to visit your dentist as soon as possible. If you experience any of these symptoms, it can be an indication of dental infection:

  • Long-lasting toothache that can go to the jawbone, neck, and ear;
  • Dental sensitivity to heat and cold;
  • Pain and pressure when chewing;
  • Sensitivity to sugary foods;
  • Swelling;
  • Fever;

How Is a Root Canal Performed?

The dentist will likely require X-Rays to see how far the damage has extended. The result will help them create a treatment plan.

Before extracting the pulp, you will probably need to treat the infection by using antibiotics.

When the tooth is ready for root canal treatment, the dentist or the endodontist will remove the pulp. Don't worry, you won't feel a thing as these procedures are done under local anesthesia.

After the doctor has removed the infected pulp, they will seal the tooth either permanently or temporarily until the dentist can completely restore the tooth.

Do You Think You Need an Emergency Root Canal? Call Us Now!

At JAX Dental Studios, we are a team of dentists with extensive and ongoing education, as well as experience. Dr. Poblenz and his team offer each patient high-quality treatment with high-quality materials in a familiar, comfortable and safe environment.

Contact us online today and schedule an appointment.